
  • 48BWITT konpainia &220Vdc Inbertsore paralelo modularra Bateriarik gabe Uhin sinusoidal hutseko inbertsore 3kw Inbertsore modularra

    BWT-DT1500 serial 48Vdc &220Vdc modular parallel connection inverter is an inversion device that converts 48V dc/220Vdc power supplied by communication DC power supply into 220V/50Hz sinusoidal AC power. It is designed with complete isolation of input and output, and allows hot plugging and parallel connection redundancy. With small size and convenient parallel connection, it is a product specially designed for users with high requirements for power supply reliability and maintainability.

  • 19 BWITT konpainia & 220Vdc Inbertsore Paraleloa Eskuzko erabiltzailea Inbertsore Paraleloko elikadura hornidura

    BWT-DT2000 inbertsore paraleloa fidagarritasuna eta kostu eraginkorra aplikatzeko bereziki diseinatua. & segurtasun handiko energia hornidura. Full erabiltzen du (elektrikoa) isolamendu inbertsoreen teknologia korronte zuzena kalitate handiko korronte alterno sinusoidala puru bihurtzeko (AC sarrerako matxura),Rack-eko muntaketa mota erraz instalatzen da armairuan.

  • DC 48V 10000 DC 48V

    Telecom DC 48V 10000 Watt inverter 10KVA is a new generation of dual input inverter solution designed for the field of communication applications, Serie hau 19"-ko rack-en itxitura profesionala da, aplikazioetara egokitzeko aukera ugari dituena. The solution is equipped with a 110V/220V/230V AC power supply and a 110V DC power supply, which fills the gap between the traditional UPS power supply and common 2400W pure sine wave inverter solutions.

  • DC 48V

    This type Embedded Power System is widely deployed in the Telecom/Industrial environment today, belaunaldi berri bat “Berdea & Energia Aurrezteko” sistema, aiming at outdoor low power mobile Telecom/Industrial power market, meeting the trend of Telecom base station development, saving construction cost and shortening time. The system is highly adaptable with environment, features with wide operating temperature range, meeting the demand of high level users.

  • DC 48V

    Telecom 48v 1000w pure sine wave inverter is a new generation of dual input inverter solution designed for the field of communication applications, Serie hau 19"-ko rack-en itxitura profesionala da, aplikazioetara egokitzeko aukera ugari dituena. The solution is equipped with a 110V/220V/230V AC power supply and a 110V DC power supply, which fills the gap between the traditional UPS power supply and common 2400W pure sine wave inverter solutions.

Pure Sine Inverter 48v dc to AC 120v AC Inbertsore monofasea Potentzia inbertsore
jadanik 1902 mezuak

  • kristin 10:12 AM, Gaur
    kristin, kristin