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Pure Sine Wave 48V DC to 220V AC 6kva built-in charger online ups without batteries
Қосымша суреттерді қараңыз

Compare to generator+ inverter back up power supply, UPS more light and cheap, if not big capacity power, it’s suitable for family back power supply. Meanwhile

  • BWT-2500-6KSO

Өнімнің егжей-тегжейі
Қазір сұрау

Pure Sine Wave 48V DC to 220V AC 6kva built-in charger online ups without batteries

Compare to generator+ inverter back up power supply, UPS more light and cheap, if not big capacity power, it’s suitable for family back power supply. Meanwhile, some special field like communication networking and hospital, some devices they hold cannot accept power cut off, the online UPS can help supply these devices form AC main supply to DC main supply with 0 transfer time. The function and type of UPS have many different nowadays. We can pick the suitable UPS by our need.


Function And Feature

  • Шынайы синус толқынының шығуы (Т.Х.Д < 3%);
  • Configurable input voltage range for home appliances and personal computers via LCD setting
  • Configurable battery charging current based on applications via LCD setting
  • Auto restart while AC is recovering
  • Defulat RS232 and USB port, optional RS485, optional SNMP and AS400 card.
  • Smart battery charger design for optimized battery performance
  • Cold start function
  • Zero-transfer Time
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қазірдің өзінде 1902 хабарлар

  • Кристин 10:12 AM, Бүгін
    Хабарламаңызды алғаныма қуаныштымын, және бұл сізге Кристиннің жауабы