Como usar o convertidor de baixa frecuencia?
Como usar o convertidor de baixa frecuencia?

Here’s how to use a low frequency inverter:

1. Environmental requirements
A zona onde se coloca a máquina debe estar ben ventilada e afastada da auga, gases inflamables e axentes corrosivos; a temperatura ambiente debe manterse entre 0°-40°C; the machine must be completely dry before installation and use, otherwise there is a risk of electric shock. If the machine will not be used for a long time, it can be installed and used after confirming that the machine is completely dry and free of corrosion.

2. Wire diameter selection
Use cables with appropriate wire diameter, which cannot be lower than the national electrical safety standards.

3. Connect the battery
Determine the appropriate number of battery units based on the rated battery voltage of the inverter, connect the negative pole of the battery to the BATTERY (-) terminal of the inverter, and connect the positive pole of the battery to the BATTERY (+) terminal of the inverter. Don't reverse it.

4. Connect the load
First turn off all loads, connect the DC load to the DC output of the inverter (ignore this if there is no built-in controller), and connect the AC load to the AC output of the inverter. Confirm that the load polarity will not be reversed, ensure that the load is lower than the standard power of the inverter, and its starting current cannot exceed the peak starting power of the inverter (2 a 3 times the rated power).

5. Connect the power supply
First disconnect the grid voltage, connect the power input cable to a device with overcurrent protection, and then connect it to the AC input port of the inverter. Do not reverse phase and polarity.

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