Инвертер ашиглахдаа анхаарах зүйлс
Инвертер ашиглахдаа анхаарах зүйлс

1) Хувьсах гүйдлийн дамжуулагч бүтэцтэй инвертерийн хувьд, цахилгаан эрчим хүчийг инвертерт холбож, тогтмол гүйдлийн холболтгүйгээр шууд ачаалалтай ашиглахыг хориглоно.

2) Not all inverters have the 48V anti-reverse connection function, so make sure the polarity of the DC voltage is correct before wiring.

3) If this inverter is used in areas with harsh power environments such as rural areas and mountainous areas, the mains operation mode of the inverter may be prohibited.

4) When using the output of a diesel engine system with low power generation quality as the mains input of the inverter, the mains operation mode of the inverter may be prohibited, and it needs to be decided according to the specific situation.

5) When used in an environment without mains power, the inverter may have an audible alarm. If you need to cancel this function, you need to consult the inverter manufacturer and have a senior power engineer perform the operation.

Хариулт үлдээнэ үү

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